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Dear Founding Members and Friends,


In 2024, the United States continued to bomb Iraq, Syria, and Yemen and provided substantial aid and support to the Ukrainian military, including cluster munitions, which are banned in more than 100 countries because they kill children and other innocent people long after they’re dropped. The U.S. delivered long-range missiles to Ukraine capable of reaching Russian cities and risking world war.


The U.S. also delivered bombs, other weapons, and logistical support used to murder tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians while continuing to impede international efforts toward peace. Research published by US Peace Prize recipient Costs of War concluded that U.S. spending on Israel’s military operations and related operations in the region total at least $22.76 billion for the 12 months ending September 30, 2024.


The United States continued to add to its over 800 military bases across at least 80 countries, increase its bloated war budget, distribute weapons worldwide, and deploy nuclear weapons so close to Russia that an “accidental” nuclear holocaust and World War III are more likely than ever. I am incredibly proud of this year’s US Peace Prize recipient, Friends Committee on National Legislation, for their efforts to lobby Congress and the administration to Stop Funding War and Nuclear Weapons.


With U.S.-fueled wars raging, we must acknowledge, honor, and reinforce those working to end war and militarism. These are the true American heroes. The Foundation is the only organization whose sole mission is to celebrate role models who will inspire other Americans to speak out against war and work for peace. By advancing our knowledge about and showing appreciation for heroic U.S. peacemakers, new role models can shape public discourse and education.


Building a national monument to peacemakers can help achieve that goal. It can change our cultural mindset, making it no longer acceptable to label those who speak out against U.S. wars as un-American, anti-military, disloyal, or unpatriotic. With public recognition of our peacemakers – celebrating their actions and accomplishments and normalizing their societal roles – we can challenge the social barriers that citizens face when publicly expressing antiwar sentiments.


The US Peace Memorial Foundation, a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, does this work by:

·      Publishing the US Peace Registry, which honors and documents the antiwar activities of people and organizations.

·      Awarding the annual US Peace Prize to an individual or organization that has made an exceptional effort to stop wars and work for peace.

·      Raising funds to build the US Peace Memorial in Washington, D.C.


In 2024, we added our 500th Founding Member! If you are already a member, please make your 2025 contribution today. If not, please join us! For a $100 donation, you can become a Founding Member. Your name will be included at www.uspeacememorial.org/Donors.htm and, eventually, at the National Monument we will build in Washington, DC. Your contribution shows you value and support our programs and demonstrates your commitment to ending the U.S. war culture.


We are inspired by your support and all you do for peace.

Michael Knox, Ph.D. Chair








Early on, we set four benchmarks to achieve before announcing our national campaign to raise the millions of dollars needed to build the US Peace Memorial as a national monument. In the press release announcing the campaign, we want to say that we have one thousand Founding Members representing all fifty states, have honored one thousand individuals and organizations in the US Peace Registry who are working for peace, and have already raised one million dollars in donations.


This chart shows how we are doing and where we need your help before we can move forward.


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46 States Represented - 92% of our goal.


The Foundation has achieved 92 percent of its goal of having Founding Members from every state. We now have Founding Members from forty-six states (plus the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands). The five leading states in terms of membership are Florida (140), Minnesota (46), California (43), New York (21), and Massachusetts (20). Help us increase the number of supporters in your state and add our first Founding Members from Delaware, Mississippi, Nebraska, and South Dakota.


500 Founding Members - 50% of our goal.


We have achieved 50 percent of our goal of one thousand Founding Members. We must have another 500 Founding Members from throughout the country. Our Founding Member list includes 453 individuals and 47 organizations/businesses, 13 of which are faith-based. If you are one of the nearly 5,000 people on our email list who have not yet joined, please take action today – become a Founding Member. By supporting the Foundation, you will be working for peace.


The US Peace Memorial Foundation recognizes the generous contributions of its 500 Founding Members, categorized into six tiers based on donation levels. Contributions are cumulative, so Founding Members are recognized at higher donor levels as they continue their philanthropic support. These tiers reflect the commitment of individuals and organizations to support our mission:


·       $10,000 and above:  4 members

·       $5,000 to $9,999:     6 members

·       $2,500 to $4,999:     4 members

·       $1,000 to $2,499:   22 members

·       $500 to $999:         47 members

·       $100 to $499:       417 members


See who the 500 Founding Members are at www.uspeacememorial.org/Donors.htm.       


293 Registrants - 29% of our goal.


The US Peace Registry documents and honors Americans' antiwar efforts. Anyone who has publicly opposed war can submit a description of their activities and apply for consideration. What better way to end current U.S. wars than to have more people speak out against them? There are many ways to make your voice heard. We recognize and honor the work of 211 people and 82 organizations that are role models for a broad range of peace and antiwar activities.


Donations - 24% of our goal.


We have received donations totaling $242,946 toward the $1,000,000 benchmark we must reach before publicly announcing our major fundraising campaign to build the US Peace Memorial as a national monument. If you can make a charitable contribution, please consider supporting our goal of moving the U.S. toward a culture of peace.





The 2024 US Peace Prize was awarded to the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) For Efforts Over 81 Years to Educate, Build Coalitions and Influence Congress to Stop Funding War and Nuclear Weapons.


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Michael Knox, Chair and Founder of the US Peace Memorial Foundation, noted, “We greatly appreciate the crucial work that FCNL is doing to end war, militarism, and nuclear weapons by educating the public, building coalitions, and lobbying Congress and the administration. For over eight decades, the Friends Committee has developed an impressive portfolio of antiwar actions. Most recently, demanding that the U.S. call for a ceasefire in Palestine and Israel, de-escalation, and humanitarian access to Gaza. The US Peace Prize is a commendation that will help call attention to and reinforce your important work for peace.”


The award was accepted by Bridget Moix, General Secretary, who responded, “On behalf of our board and staff, thousands of advocates around the country persisting for peace with us, and all those who have been part of FCNL's work over the years, we are honored and grateful to receive this 2024 US Peace Prize. For over 80 years, FCNL has sought to be a clear and consistent voice for peace and justice on Capitol Hill. Receiving this prize is especially significant as we face escalating war in the Middle East, growing global violence and authoritarianism, and enormous threats to our own democracy here at home. A world of justice and peace for all people may seem a distant dream, but our Quaker faith and the powerful communities with whom we work every day sustain us in this ongoing struggle for the world we seek.”


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Description automatically generatedOther US Peace Prize nominees in 2024 were Community Peacemaker Teams, Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal, Louis H. Pumphrey, and Ellen Thomas. Read about all recipients and nominees' antiwar/peace activities in the US Peace Registry.


See full details at https://www.uspeaceprize.org.







This year, the US Peace Registry recognized and documented the antiwar work of the following Americans and U.S. organizations.

You can read about their specific contributions and activities at www.uspeacememorial.org/Registry.htm.











Ending U.S. war culture is complex. Our approach includes featuring short, memorable antiwar statements by prominent Americans. The Foundation aims to show that opposing war is socially acceptable, encouraging more people to speak out and help end U.S. militarism. Founding Members can suggest well-referenced antiwar quotes and help decide which will be inscribed on the national monument.


Here are two quotations under consideration:


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Founding Members are encouraged to help choose quotes. We seek well-referenced statements to inspire Americans to speak out against war and work for peace. As new quotations are vetted, they are posted on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for review. We invite you to post any new quotations you may find and your comments on these social media sites. See www.uspeacememorial.org/Quotes.htm for more details about the quotation vetting and selection process. Let us know your favorites – and share any great quotes we may have overlooked.





Louis H. Pumphrey, a Founding Member from Shaker Heights and our Ohio coordinator, published a letter about the Foundation in The Plain Dealer. Click here to read it: “Let’s create a culture of peace instead of a culture of war.”


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Our Kentucky coordinator, Dr. Dennis Neyman, delivered a poster presentation at the 2024 Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly.


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The US Peace Prize received some international publicity.


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AI-generated content may be incorrect.Founding Member and artist Robert Shetterly published Portraits of Peacemakers in 2024. In it, he includes many of the heroes the Foundation has honored over the past twenty years in the US Peace Registry. It was gratifying to see the portraits of Medea Benjamin, Kathy Kelly, Dennis Kucinich, Cindy Sheehan, David Swanson, and Ann Wright, specifically mentioning them as recipients of the US Peace Prize.


Thank you, Robert Shetterly, for recognizing and honoring these courageous American antiwar leaders and role models. Your book celebrates their achievements and will inspire future generations. This is how we build a culture of peace.





Through the generosity of a Founding Member, and at no cost to the Foundation, we were able to help sponsor the

#NoWar2024 Conference: Resisting the USA’s Military Empire.


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The US Peace Memorial Foundation has earned Candid’s (GuideStar) Platinum Seal of Transparency. Donate with confidence to support our mission for peace.

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Instagram uspeacememorial


Like us on Facebook. Follow us on BlueSky, X, and Instagram.


ENDING U.S. WARS by Honoring Americans Who Work for Peace is available at your local bookstore, Powell’s, Bookshop, and Amazon.

Until it is built, this book is the US Peace Memorial.


We reduced the price of the E-book from $9.99 to $2.99, the lowest price Amazon would allow. Order at Kindle. All proceeds from the sale of ENDING U.S. WARS go directly to the US Peace Memorial Foundation, a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.




A person wearing a pink shirt

Description automatically generatedOrder and wear our t-shirt to show your support for the Foundation and the antiwar/pro-peace message: www.cafepress.com/uspeacememorial.


You can also purchase other items with our logo, including buttons, yard signs, tote bags, baby shirts, and even a shirt for Fido. Please encourage your friends and everyone you meet to think about peace and join us. It’s always time to start the conversation!





Thank you to our Board of Directors: Medea Benjamin, Dr. Lucy Bradley-Springer, Margaret Kimberley, Jolyon Sasse, and Dr. Charles F. Clark (emeritus), editors Tracy Blalock and Beverly Lowenstein, and volunteers including Sharon Abreu, Phil Anderson, Karen Brown, Sue Chen, Dr. David Chiriboga, Tom Cloud, Michael Dwyer, Dr. Martha Friedrich, Paula Heitzman, Michael Hurwicz, James Knox, John Knox, Donald Martin, Dr. Lynette J. Menezes, Dr. Dennis Neyman, Lou Pumphrey, and Cara Toadvine. Very little would have been accomplished without these incredible and dedicated supporters. We greatly appreciate their contributions.


Thank you to our new Founding Members and 2024 donors:

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We need your help, too. Without your ongoing generosity and commitment, the US Peace Memorial will never become a National Monument that can help move the United States toward a culture of peace.





Those of us who work for peace are pulled in many directions. Antiwar resources have been stretched thin, and consensus seems elusive as the country’s militarism maintains a fixed hold on our culture. The endless wars will stop only when the American people demand it, and the more people who speak, the louder our voices will be. We need your help, now more than ever, to make our voices heard.  


Add Your Voice to Our Cause


o   Become a Founding Member to add your name to our growing list of 500 visionary leaders and be permanently associated with the US Peace Memorial.  

o   Click here to contribute using a debit or credit card.  

o   Mail a check to: US Peace Memorial Foundation • 334 East Lake Road #136 • Palm Harbor, FL 34685.


We Need Your Financial Support. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law. CLICK HERE to see our 2024 Financial Report.


·      Already a Founding Member? Please make your 2025 contribution.

·      Move to the next donor level? Credit for your contributions is cumulative. Six donor levels are included at www.uspeacememorial.org/Donors.htm, from $100 to over $10,000. Hundreds of donors have moved to higher levels by making annual contributions.


We Need More Role Models for Peace.


·     Apply to the US Peace Registry. We are looking for Americans whose antiwar behaviors, examples, and successes can be emulated by others. If you have opposed U.S. wars in writing, speaking, marching, or other public ways, submit your bio here: Individual Bio. (See examples: www.uspeacememorial.org/Registry.htm.)

·     Add your organization’s bio to the US Peace Registry here: Organization Bio. (See examples: www.uspeacememorial.org/Organizations.htm.)


We Need Volunteers


Please volunteer. Our volunteers are the backbone of the foundation. Even if it’s only a few hours a month, your help is greatly appreciated. As a nationwide grassroots organization with annual expenses of less than $18,000, we are especially in need of:

·      Writers

·      Editors

·      Researchers

·      Marketing Specialists

·      Fundraisers

·      Coordinators 


If you choose to participate in any of these ways, you will help us inspire other Americans to oppose war and work for peace.


Keep in Touch

   Join us on Facebook. Follow us on BlueSky, X, and Instagram.

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like to discuss any aspect of the Foundation’s work and/or how you might want to participate. The Chair can be reached at Knox@USPeaceMemorial.org.


US Peace Memorial Foundation, Inc. is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN: 20-3915218.

Donations to the Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent provided by U.S. law.


Copyright 2025, US Peace Memorial Foundation, Inc.