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US Peace Memorial Foundation



The Idea


About Us



US Peace Registry

US Peace Prize




B.1  How will U.S. peace efforts be recognized?


Personal and organizational peace and antiwar activities by Americans are recognized by the US Peace Registry and US Peace Prize.


Potential registrants provide behaviorally specific biographical information, with supporting documentation, which is reviewed by Foundation staff.  Those reviewed and fully vetted are recommended to the Board of Directors for approval.  An electronic edition of the US Peace Registry will eventually be accessible at the memorial.


B.2  How can I become listed in the US Peace Registry?


Individuals or organizations wishing to be listed in the Registry are asked to provide specific examples of their antiwar and peace activism with related brief biographical information and supporting documentation (see individual application and organization application for requirements).  That information will be reviewed by US Peace Registry editors and the Foundation's Board of Directors.


We do not want this to become an onerous task or for you to feel that your listing must be comprehensive.  Just include whatever information is readily available to you or a sampling of your actions.  Additional action/behaviors can be included at a later date.  The US Peace Registry will always be a work in progress and an approved listing can be updated or revised at any time.


B.3  Can I nominate a person or organization to be recognized by the US Peace Registry?


Only Founding Members can nominate an individual or organization to be recognized by the US Peace Registry.  Be sure to provide contact information for the nominee so that they can be notified.  Self-nominations will be considered by provide the information requested in the individual application or the organization application.


B.4  How does one update or revise one's own entry in US Peace Registry?


If there are revisions, go to US Peace Registry and copy your current entry.  Paste it into a new Word document and use track changes or otherwise highlight the words or URLs that have been added or deleted. Because of the verification and Board approval process, we don’t have the volunteer resources to compare a current online version with a revised version to determine what exactly has been amended.  We welcome additions and corrections and ask that they be sent to  A volunteer assistant editor will make it consistent with our style.  We'll let you know when the revised listing is ready for your review online.


B.5  Some seemingly undeserving people are listed in the US Peace Registry because... (a variety of reasons listed).


We do not judge the entire life of those listed in the US Peace Registry, or the consistency of their behavior.  We accept and applaud significant antiwar/peace contributions that they have had the courage to make.  For example, many registrants have participated in or supported US invasions, but at some point they decided to publicly oppose a particular war.


Many citizens are reluctant to speak out against a US war because those who do so are often labeled “un-American”, “antimilitary”, and “unpatriotic”, and can suffer reprisals.  Our goal is to demonstrate that advocating for peaceful solutions to international problems, or taking action against one or more wars, is an honorable and socially acceptable activity.  If we can change the culture in this small way, more people will feel comfortable speaking out and the government will be challenged more frequently when it threatens, invades, or occupies other countries.


Although we are anxious to honor consistent and significant peace leadership, the US Peace Registry will help achieve the desired cultural change by honoring the millions of thoughtful and committed Americans who have taken a public antiwar stand at some point in their life.  We are identifying a broad range of peace and antiwar activities in a continuum from participating in a single action to devoting one's entire adult life to peace and opposing war.  We recognize a person who, for example, simply published a letter to the editor of their hometown newspaper opposing the invasion of Panama, even if they didn't speak out against the 30+ other US invasions since the end of WW II.


Any public antiwar act is important enough to recognize, because it demonstrates some level of courage and establishes that citizens are capable of attempting to stop the bloodshed.  We will be successful if we increase the number of citizens willing to engage in such behavior.


B.6  I am uncomfortable with some of the organizations listed in the Registry.  Don't you use any judgment in selecting which groups and individuals to include?


We try to be nonjudgmental about who belongs in the US Peace Registry as long as the person or organization has engaged in significant antiwar activities that are nonviolent.  Even if they break laws, the Foundation will document their actions.  We know that many Americans who actively oppose war have multiple detractors.  Certainly every one of the US Peace Prize winners has been condemned by others.  We don't evaluate the effectiveness, legality, political correctness, motivation, or appropriateness of nonviolent antiwar actions.


B.7  Braggadocio is a big turn off to many antiwar people.  Convince me that the US Peace Registry isn’t about self-promotion.


Braggadocio and self-promotion couldn't be farther from our motivation.  The intent of the US Peace Registry is to write a living history, document human behavior, and identify role models for US peace activities.  The US Peace Registry will help Americans understand some options for action against war.  The specific behaviors listed in each record are intended to provide ideas and guidance.  Role models are listed to inspire Americans to speak out for peace and to work to end the hatred, ignorance, greed, and intolerance that lead to war.  We are documenting specific actions that Americans have used to oppose war.  We suspect that in the final analysis we will have listed several hundred discrete antiwar behaviors.  The people and organizations included in the US Peace Registry are not braggarts or self-promoters, but role models for other Americans.  Their activities are behaviors that others can use as models for action, now and in the future.


The US Peace Memorial will make it clear to Americans that opposing war is honorable and socially acceptable, and that our nation has a long history of courageous citizens who have opposed wars.  A national monument to peacemakers can change our cultural mindset so that it will no longer be acceptable to label those who speak out against war as un-American, antimilitary, traitorous, or unpatriotic.  We hope the memorial will decrease the barriers that citizens must overcome before they speak out against a war.


The military honors its heroes and reinforces warrior behavior with medals, promotions, ceremonies, and monuments.  This has resulted in a country that recognizes contributions to war and the sacrifices of the military.  People who make valiant efforts to maintain global peace should also be honored.  The US Peace Memorial Foundation is attempting to balance the picture so that more Americans will know that peacemaking is an honorable endeavor. 


The current wars won't be our last and future generations need to know how thoughtful individuals have promoted peace.  If those in the peace movement are concerned that speaking about their actions to promote peace will be seen as bragging, they may be missing an opportunity to document their contributions.  We at the Foundation think it is important to catalogue these activities in order to educate people, stimulate conversations, and lead to positive interventions for peace.  Please help us to get that message across.



US Peace Memorial Foundation, Inc. is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public charity.

Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. 




Copyright 2005-2020, US Peace Memorial Foundation, Inc.