US Peace Memorial Foundation |
US Peace Registry – 2024/2025
WILLIAM DURLAND, PhD, JD, of Littleton, CO, graduated
from Union University and Georgetown Law School and is a professor and
attorney emeritus who was legal counsel for the U.S. Commission on
International Rules of Judicial Procedure. durlandwe@gmail.com https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Durland.
Secretary, U.S. Study Conference on Peace and Justice, 1971.
Ran for Congress as an independent antiwar candidate, CO,
National Center on Law and Pacifism, which defends conscientious objectors,
refugees, and war tax resistors, and opposes
the production, transport, and deployment of nuclear weapons, 1978.
Co-founder, National War
Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee, 1982.
Delegate to 40th
International Conference Against A and H Bombs, Tokyo, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki,
Japan, 1985.
Delegation member to International Peace Conference of Lawyers, New
Delhi, India, 1986.
courses in peace and justice, Pendle Hill Quaker Study
Center, Wallingford, PA, 1985-1988.
Helped defend two U.S. soldiers deported from Canada, after having fled to avoid
fighting in the war against Iraq.
Member, Christian Peacemaker Teams, working in Palestine,
Iraq, and the U.S.-Mexico border, 2001-2010.
Author of numerous
antiwar publications including People pay for peace: A military tax refusal guide
for radical religious pacifists and people of conscience, 1980 and Immoral
Wars and Illegal Laws, 2011.
Member and
Director, Pikes Peak Justice and Peace Commission, 1980-2016.
EUGENIA DURLAND, MA, of Littleton, CO, is a teacher, editor, and author.
Peace Studies degree, Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries, Elkhart,
IN, 1978.
Co-founder, National
Center on Law and Pacifism, which defends conscientious objectors, refugees,
and war tax resistors, and opposes the production, transport, and deployment of
nuclear weapons, 1978.
Co-founder, National War Tax
Resistance Coordinating Committee, 1982.
Delegate to 40th International Conference Against
A and H Bombs, Tokyo, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, Japan, 1985.
Taught courses in peace and justice, Pendle Hill Quaker Study
Center, Wallingford, PA, 1985-1988.
Member, Christian Peacemaker Teams, working in Palestine,
Iraq, and the U.S.-Mexico border, 2001-2010.
Editor of numerous antiwar publications including Immoral Wars and Illegal Laws, 11/2011.
Member and
Director, Pikes Peak Justice and Peace Commission, 1980-2016.
JANICE (JAN) HAAKEN, PhD, is a professor emeritus of psychology at Portland
State University and a clinical psychologist, activist, and award-winning
documentary filmmaker who has focused on peace and antiwar-related scholarship
and films. www.jhaaken.com
haakenj@pdx.edu www.facebook.com/janice.haaken www.youtube.com/@JHaakenProductions
Taught courses in Peace Psychology at Portland State University, 2005-2011.
Featured in article, “Visiting Filmmaker Examines Military
Psychology, PTSD,” Daily Nexus, 11/20/2013.
Author of books including Speaking
Out: Women, War, and the Global Economy (co-author), Ooligan Press, 2005; and Psychiatry, Politics and
PTSD: Breaking Down, Routledge
Press, 2021.
Gave talks at
film screenings including “Return to Duty: The Ethics of Caring for People in Uncaring
Places,” Santa Barbara, CA,
11/19/2013; and “Atomic Bamboozle: A Film on the Promise
of a Nuclear Renaissance,”
Vancouver, Canada, 10/05/2022 and 10/19/2022.
Wrote articles including “Cultural Amnesia: Memory, Trauma, and
War,” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 2002; co-wrote “Moving Images: Psychoanalytically
informed methods in documenting the lives of women migrants and asylum seekers,” Journal of
Health Psychology, 2014; co-wrote “Behind the curtain: A cultural analysis
of virtual reality treatment for combat-related PTSD,” Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, 12/2016; co-wrote “Women’s perspectives on war and peace
in Sierra Leone,” Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace
Psychology, 03/2017; and “Trauma, Psychiatry and the War on
Terror,” book review of Combat Trauma: Imaginaries of War and
Citizenship in Post-9/11 America by Nadia Abu El-Haj, Against the Current, 07/2023.
and produced documentary films
including “Diamonds, Guns and Rice,” co-director and co-producer, 2005; “Mind Zone: Therapists Behind the Front Lines,” 2014; “Atomic Bamboozle: The False Promise of a Nuclear Renaissance,” 2023; and co-directed “The Palestine Exception: What’s at Stake in the Campus Protests?” 2024.
Speaker at
events on topics including “Gender Violence in War Zones,” Vancouver, WA, 02/14/2024; and “Climate and Militarism,” Vancouver, WA, 04/19/2024-04/21/2024.
including “‘Mind Zone’: New Film Tracks Therapists
Guiding Soldiers Through Traumas of Afghan War,” Democracy
Now!, 03/16/2012; “Screening Mind Zone: Therapists Behind
the Front Lines,” 07/16/2012; “Atomic Bamboozle film director Jan Haaken Takes on SMRs, Pacific NW Nuclear Nightmares +
Doomsday Clock Stuck, Bill Nye Sucks,”
01/23/2024; “Palestinian Film Fest,” 02/26/2024; and “Documenting the Fight Against the
Palestine Exception: A Conversation with Filmmakers Jan Haaken
and Jennifer Ruth,” 09/03/2024.
Virtual film
screening and discussion of “The Palestine Exception,” Palestine Museum,
Woodbridge, CT, 01/11/2025.
in Horticulture Science, of Fayetteville, AR, has been an antiwar activist,
organizer, and writer since 2002 who also worked on Occupy Wall Street, Move to
Amend Arkansas, the Bernie Sanders campaign, and medical cannabis. Abeltomlinson.com Abeltomlinson@gmail.com www.facebook.com/noahautumn.tomlinson www.youtube.com/user/abelnoah/videos
Peace activist
organizer and board member, OMNI Center for Peace,
Justice, & Ecology, Fayetteville, AR, 2003.
Ran for U.S.
Congress as a
peace candidate, Fayetteville, 2008.
Hosted local cable access TV show, Omnivision, Fayetteville, 2009-2011;
and created and hosted local cable
access TV show, World Citizen Wire, interviewing nationally
renowned peace leaders, Fayetteville, 2017 and 2018.
Formed Arkansas Nonviolence Alliance (later renamed Arkansas
Antiwar Alliance) to organize various protest events, Fayetteville, 2018.
Gave speeches: “Facing Nuclear Madness from Hiroshima to North Korea,”
OMNI Center’s annual Hiroshima Nagasaki Remembrance, Fayetteville, 2017; Preventing the threat of nuclear war, OMNI
Center’s annual Hiroshima Nagasaki Remembrance, Fayetteville, 2018; and “What Are The Wars Really For?,” No Iran War
& No More Imperial Warfare Protest, Fayetteville, 01/25/2020.
Organized events
including rally, “Celebration
of Nuclear Abolition Movement and Call for Peace with North Korea,”
Fayetteville, 2017; Parade for Peace and peace rally, bringing together
numerous organizations, Fayetteville, 2018; peace march and rally to oppose the threat of war with
Iran and U.S. imperialism, Fayetteville, 2020; Stop the University of Arkansas Nuclear Weapons Program,
Fayetteville, 2021; and events to stop the U.S.-backed genocide of
Palestinians, including Palestine Peace March and Rally, Fayetteville,
Organized a three-month series of weekly protests
to Stop the War with Iran & U.S. Imperialism, Fayetteville, 2019; and seven
monthly protest events to stop both the U.S.
proxy war with Russia in Ukraine and the threat of nuclear war, Fayetteville, 2022
and 2023.
Wrote letters to the
editor and articles to oppose war, The Arkansas Traveler, 2006-2008; The Free Weekly, 2012-2017;
and “Radical Change in the USA: Prospects for Domestic
Revolution,” CovertAction Magazine, 11/30/2024.
Founding Mothers Movement
Founded in 2024, FMM is a
women-led movement determined to transition humanity from patriarchy to
partnership, pledging to shift the paradigm by empowering women, protecting
children, and ending war. By building a global coalition that is powerful
enough to inspire evolutionary change, their Strategic Plan
focuses on the two goals of universal rights for all women and an end to war.
Actions include Weekly Worldwide Wakeup campaign and
future campaigns, Founding Mothers Proclamation, Theories of Change, blog
posts, and events.
Contact Information:
Laura George, Peace Room Member
88 Oracle Way
Independence, VA 24348
Email: Info@FoundingMothers.world
Website: www.foundingmothers.world
Facebook: www.facebook.com/FoundingMothersMovement
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@FoundingMothersMovement
Instagram: www.instagram.com/FoundingMothersMovement
US Peace Memorial Foundation, Inc. is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public
Donations to the
Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.
Copyright 2005-2025, US Peace Memorial Foundation, Inc.